UN DETAIL DEVENU SUJET - SOLO SHOW | PDP Gallery | October 2020 | Paris, France, EU
BLUEBELLS #1 (detail) | oil on linen | 2020 | 51 x 78 in | 130 x 200 cm
UN DETAIL DEVENU SUJET - SOLO SHOW | PDP Gallery | October 2020 | Paris, France, EU
UN DETAIL DEVENU SUJET - SOLO SHOW | PDP Gallery | October 2020 | Paris, France, EU
In front of her, there is just a two-meter canvas. I watched Adèle start making Gutter Paradise #11 and her
desire and determination hit me again. It is the very expression of total painting that we all want to defend.
You have to see Adele Renault in action, like so many others, to soak up this vibration. A force that only
painting, in all its forms of expression, can provide.
From her first pigeon studies to the meticulous depictions of her feathers, Adele Renault has matured this
new series; this paradise staged from nothing: from a detail that has become the subject.
Alexandre Latscha, PDP Gallery