Adele Renault (B. 1988, Belgium) is a painter's painter. Renault graduated from the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels in 2010. She lives between Los Angeles and the Belgian countryside.
Renault's paintings range in scale from works on canvas to monumental public murals that leave an indelible imprint on the urban landscape. Driven by her love for exploration, Renault draws inspiration from her subjective observations as she traverses man-made and natural environments. As part of her practice, she establishes an ongoing relationship with her subjects, monitoring them intensely over time.
The artist exhibits a profound fascination with seemingly banal subject matter. Whether it be cascades of feathers, the ageing inhabitants of a nursing home, or the transient plant life of Los Angeles, she witnesses beauty and meaning in the mundane. Themes of life cycles and the ephemeral nature of her subjects recur throughout her practice. She meticulously studies and magnifies minute details, capturing them with remarkable clarity in order to elevate their status. Whether it’s the gathering of mould on a withering leaf or the interplay of light on a feather, Renault's paintings establish an intimate connection between the viewer and her subject.
Working with oil and spray paint her palette transcends the boundaries of realistic representation. She applies her own artistic lens, allowing herself the freedom to infuse her subjects with an almost luminous quality. Some elements are enhanced while others recede, her paints blend and fade upon the surface to offer Renault's wonderous interpretation of reality.
© Iddo Golberg